Friday, July 07, 2006

reality bites

the very first time I went to an offshore field, I was onboard the "Big Orange". it's a ship that carries a snubbing unit all over the field. It was not big, and certainly not orange. for the people onboard - it was their home away from home during their hitch...myself included.

I shared room with 3 other a room no bigger than 2.5m x 2.5m x 2.5m

during the hithc, that room served as our bedroom, changing room, recreation room, and last but not least...our office.

this is a picture of the room, taken with a (35mm equivalent) 38mm camera. the small field of view gives you the idea of just how cramped the room was. I was already standing at the corner with my back pressed againts the bulkhead (it was afterall a ship, and walls are not called walls on ships, they're bulkhead).

the lower bunk was my bed...if you look closely, at the lower right corner, you should be able to spot a black baseball cap with RMIT logo (that's my university). I don't think this picture would ever make it to their brochures.

RMIT has this slogan "your future starts here". imagine having this picture posted just underneath the slogan plus some writtings "and this is you future" or something like that :))


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